Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Never say your sorry...

But sometimes... it's ok to feel it.

and sadly I would never have done this if it wasn't a blogger tournament.

So this was the 2nd hand of the Mookie on Wednesday nite... not a bad way to double up early on. I spent the next hour missing the board like my dishwasher misses the dried lasagna so I began setting up the new Wii with Super Smash Brothers Brawl (I'm not 30 yet... leave me and my video game problem alone).

For those of you who haven't seen a commercial in the past 2 years because of DVR's and TiVo... this basically takes all of the characters that Nintendo has ever made video games for and pits them into a battle royale. It's fantastic on so many levels that I can't describe it in words.

At this point I'm just praying for the break so I can fire up the Wii.

If you haven't had a chance yet... but again, I'm sure if you're reading this I don't have to tell you about it... but check out the Buddy Dank Radio show broadcasting whenever the hell he wants, but specifically during The Mookie.

If you don't know.. now you know.

Until I come back and have to apologize again later...

Beep Beep.


Not sorry... this was just a rough hand... this happened in the middle of the situation I'm about to explain.

So here's the bitch of this... I get moved to a new table and 4x raise 4 different times in mid-to-late position.. each time I get shoved on by a pretty much equal stack... It wasn't desperation time, we were all in the mid stack of the tourney... but if I felt like gambling I'd be playing roulette and not playing poker. Yes.. you gotta win some races.. but you don't always have to get involved in them.. THEY ARE ONLY RACES ... and I'm living proof that when you suck at racing you have to avoid it like ... like.. .like shit you just wanna fucking avoid.

- Mookie was all in prior to me and I laid down.

I 4x raise, dyers shoves... I fold. He says AK

. I 4x again... dyers shoves.. .he says AK again.

I 4x again... PokerFool shoves.. I call (I had him covered) We chop.

Next orbit same positions... I 3x, PokerFool shoves and I lay down.

All in from Martyr and I lay down (1/3 of my stack to call)

Two hands later, all folds to me, I just go away as I'm disgusted by having all these 2nd best hands.

on_thg pushes, Martyr calls, I go away preflop.

If there's anything I hate more than getting my aces cracked by bad play it's having so many playable hands and having to go away because I have lost so much fucking money because I have to raise... limping is no option, shoving is no option, and folding with no action ahead of me is simply idiotic.
I couldn't screencap my last hand as the table broke, but I ran my AK into QQ... no love for Dr. Jones. Speaking of Dr Jones... I'm avioding 100% of the previews for the new Indiana Jones movie as I do with all movies that I really want to see. We'll see how it unfolds.
Beep Beep.

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